Lone Pine Tree Aspen Forest Vertical


Crested Butte, Colorado

Lewis Carlyle Photography


We’ll get the aspen forest in just a second, but first, a tip about Crested Butte: bring extra blood. Seriously. The amount of biting insects in this mountain town is otherworldly. The next time I visit, I’m going to hang a slab of raw beef from a hospital IV stand and haul it around with me as a decoy.

As for the photography, Kebler Pass is home to one of the largest aspen forests in the world. These trees are healthy, tall and gleaming white. Every once in a  while we encounter a lone pine tree. These little bonus evergreens make for wonderful focal points surrounded by their aspen brethren. After much searching and splash of luck, this image came together quite nicely (even despite the pint of blood I donated to the local mosquito population).